星期四, 6月 11, 2009


魯托斯 勞斯基的三首音詩
(Three poems of Witold Lutoslawski 1913-1994)
由 Catherine Yen 在 六月 12, 2009 的 10:32am 張貼

●Catherine Yen

波蘭作曲家 魯托斯 勞斯基,1913年生於華沙,畢業於華沙音樂院,歷經大戰期間納粹及戰後共產主義的雙重迫害;他因接受Zagrab廣播合唱團的指揮拉夫可‧札提克()Slavko Zlatic)之委託,依據法國超現實主義的詩人,亨利‧米榭(Henry Michaux) 的三首音詩於 1961至1963年間譜成動人的樂曲。魯托斯 勞斯基對亨利‧米榭的詩篇做如是的註解: "The poem of Michaux possess, in my opinion, not only a narrow, concrete meaning, they are not exclusively a sceptical reflaction on the subject of human thoughts (Pensees), an account of a fight between two men (Le grand combat) nor an act of resignation (Repos dans le malheur). This is only the external appearance of these poems, beneath which is hidden a wealth of meaning, of imagination, of ideas and feelings- it is this that allows a subjective approach to these verse and their subjectie interpretation. In their specific ambiguity certain kinds of poetry come near to music, which is the most ambiguous of the arts, or, rather, an art that has no sense, no definite meaning- which come to something." The followings are two poems of Henry Michaux:

I. Pensees (Thoughts)思想

To think, to live, sea less clear;
I - the id- trembles
ceaseless infitite and shudders.

Shadows of worlds minute,
Shadows of shadows,
Ashes of wings.

Thoughts wonderfully swimming,
who glide in us, between us, far from us,
far from enlightening us, for from understanding;

Strangers in our houses,
always peddling,
dust to distract us and to disperse life.




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