星期四, 9月 03, 2009



3. 「文學本質」是針對作者的個別論,這對Isaac Bashevis Singer所講內容就看會出:The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect, between life and death. When literature becomes too intellectual - when it begins to ignore the passions, the emotions - it becomes sterile, silly, and actually without substance.

4. 或者像F. Hackett對美國女詩人Lola Ridge的詩評論開頭寫的內容:One of the hardest things in life, especially literary life, is to admit one's significant emotions. Appropriate emotions are quite a different story. Almost everyone, from President Wilson down to the cheapest writer of advertising copy, has had practice in meeting circumstance with just the right kind of propitiatory words. But outside this game of rhetoric, which is not always so easy, there is the infinitely harder and finer art of self-expression--the art of ascertaining as well as revealing self. To give voice to significant emotions--that is the essence of poetry which in turn is the essence of literature. What does one mean by "significant"? One means, I suppose, the emotions which determine personality and outlook and association and conduct. One means the emotions that are motive, that have life in them and legs under them, whether they crawl underneath the surface of
things or come out above the surface and face a world. And the poet, for me, is the person who is so related to life by imagination and meditation that he can open out his emotions and find them truly significant--significant to himself and to the person who is still shut in.

5. 母語文學運動須要的是使用人抑是coordinator這種角色,共領袖交予作家用in的作品去實踐才是正確的觀念。

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