星期五, 11月 05, 2010

Self Confession


Self Confession

Dry eyes
Erase all the undulation of things
Simplify the emotion
There is no laughter nor tears
Spring the vulgar
Can not deliver the growth and demise of the season
When faith the corrosion
Can only find the blasphemy in persistency

Man held the upright position
Loaded weight
Bearing the weakness that animals did not take
Like a lonely tree
Dependent on it the evil and fatigue
Continue to pass on the future generations
In mortal
No right to expect a miracle

In front of the mirror
Look at my own
When the fingers glide through the double ribs
Like to pluck a mandolin
Seeing human is not far from the grave
We got eternality because of wear
When the skins covers the bones
Clothes cover the skins
An instinctive scam

Took off the hat
Twist in the abdominal intestine
Dignity, style and pride
Are only human tricks
An escape to restore the flagging
Cast aside the mask
The lone
In the desert and downtown
Completely enjoy their own nudeness
Can walk shoulder to shoulder with the dead



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