星期四, 6月 12, 2014


What we need to do is always lean into the future; when the world changes around you and when it changes against you – what used to be a tail wind is now a head wind – you have to lean into that and figure out what to do because complaining isn’t a strategy.”
– Jeff Bezos, Entrepreneur

「我們必須不斷的倚向未來,當你周圍的世界改變,且對你發生不利的改變 – 原本的順風變成逆風 – 你必須向它倚入,並想出應對之道,因為抱怨不是策略。」

傑佛瑞‧貝佐斯 是美國網路巨頭亞馬遜公司 (Amazon.com) 創始人、現任董事長兼執行長,他是 1999 年度《時代》雜誌的年度風雲人物,在 2013 年購買美國的《華盛頓郵報》。

Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”
– Og Mandino, Author

「了解真正的快樂存在於自己心中,不要浪費時間與力氣於外在世界尋求安心、滿足與快樂。記住快樂不存在於擁有或得到,它只存在於給予。伸出手、分享、微笑、擁抱,快樂如同香水,你無法灑在別人身上,而沒有自己沾上幾滴。」– 奧格‧曼迪諾 (作家)

奧格‧曼迪諾 (1923-1996) 是美國史上著名的成功勵志作家,其書本的銷售量已超過 5000 萬本,在全世界翻譯成超過 25 種語言。The Greatest Salesman in the World (世界上最偉大的推銷員) 為其代表作。



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