星期日, 8月 28, 2005




專門追蹤研究微軟動態的獨立研究機構「微軟走向」分析師羅索夫指出,四大龍頭之間,以微軟和Google的肉搏戰最激烈,如Google二十四日推出新的「Google Talk」服務,結合了即時通訊、電腦電話整合通訊(將原有的電話交換機系統擴展為全方位通訊伺服器的技術)與電子郵件等功能。而微軟提供免費電郵和線上即時通訊服務由來已久,其地圖查詢服務則是「坐待多年」,直到Google推出地圖查詢服務後,才急忙跟著推出;此外,Google證實搜尋服務能靠關鍵字廣告賺錢後,微軟認為這塊領域具有高獲利和快速成長的潛能,因此在一月間推出MSN搜尋引擎。




At 10:26 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

U.S. admiral:
China overspending on military

By Benjamin Kam Lim BEIJING, Reuters

The top U.S. soldier in the Pacific suggested on Wednesday that China was spending too much on its military, noting that the world's most populous country faced no imminent threat and war with Taiwan was unlikely.
Admiral William Fallon, commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Command, also dismissed assertions that the United States was seeking to contain China's economic and military emergence. "I don't see a particular threat to China, so military capabilities expansion seems to me ought to be commensurate with the growth and development of a country," Fallon told a news conference in Beijing.

China has been gradually overhauling its military -- reducing troop numbers, revamping tactics and training and buying Russian destroyers, missile systems, diesel submarines and a slew of jet fighters, including 24 Su-30s for which Beijing paid US$1 billion.

The defense budget has grown in double digits almost every year, outpacing China's rapid economic growth.

Analysts say Beijing has stepped up diplomacy with its neighbors, wary of the U.S. military presence in Central Asia since the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.

But Fallon dismissed assertions that the United States was trying to contain China. "That's nonsense," he said.

Pressed if he viewed China as a military threat, Fallon raised a half-empty glass and said: "People have a tendency to always look at things one of two ways.



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