星期四, 5月 10, 2007







At 12:59 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...


【網址: www.hakkaworld.com.tw】
建置『客家世界』 網站的構想早在 2000年6月開始,就有我和社團裡 的幾位客家鄉親共同討論過,想要共同來推動完成它,經過一年多的時間,曾經努力過,但是礙於多種原因一直無法付諸實現,最後決定,還是我一個人來做,在時效上會比較快些!於是,儲存在我腦海裡多時的構想與創意,在多方的走訪與溝通之下,終於在最近(2002年三月初)就要和全世界的客家鄉親及對『客家』有興趣的朋友們見面了!同時也要感謝多位客家鄉親的鼓勵與幫忙。


本著上述的理想,成立『客家世界』網站,將客家的人、事、物、文化等資料,結合電子科技的運用,讓客家文化邁向 e世代、國際化 。


站主 陳 憲 治 (進財)


 ◆ 關於『客家世界』網:
 ◆ 世界連結:
 ◆ 生活資訊站連結:
  提供和日常生活相關的資訊如:鐵公路交通、氣候、捷運 …等等網站的連結。
 ◆ 專題發表區:
 ◆ 網友交流園地:
 ◆ 客家歷史文化:
 ◆ 客家文物館:
  客家 習俗介紹、地方風土民情介紹、藝文資訊、客家美食及餐館介紹,客家文物村及相關網站連結。
 ◆ 客家文獻:
 ◆ 客家人物誌:
 ◆ 客家藝廊:
 ◆ 台灣客家之美:
 ◆ 活動篇:
 ◆ 客家特色分享:
 ◆ 文化品補給站:


前面說過,『客家世界』網站是通往全世界客家的主要窗口,其通路無遠弗屆,藉由 這個窗口,連結全世界的客家人,做朋友、資訊交流、懷舊講古…,薪傳客家文化,客家精神源遠流長。

設立一個網站較容易,但是要維護網站就不簡單,需要較多的時間、人力及財力的投入,『客家世界網』只是拋磚引玉,提 供了一片園地,歡迎有興趣的朋友一起來耕耘,提供您的寶貴意見或相關資 料,讓這片園地更豐富、更茁壯。也盼望有心人士的贊助,共襄盛舉,我們會特別登錄在捐贈芳名錄內,以資銘謝。

感謝大家,有閒來泡茶、坐聊 、打嘴鼓!

地 址:台北市長安東路二段189號2樓之5
電 話:02-27214242
傳 真:02-27772493
負責人:陳 憲 治 (進財) 手機:0912528945
郵政劃撥帳號:19646331 戶名:台灣客家文化有限公司
網 址:http://www.hakkaworld.com.tw
E-mail :bertchen@hakkaworld.com.tw


身體健康 萬事如意 !

『Hakkaworld.com』Website Introduction

The idea for creating this Hakka World website began in June 2000. I discussed the idea with several members of a Hakka society of working together to create such a website. After a year of hard work, due to many different reasons, we weren’t able to complete the project. In the end, I decided to do it by myself and, surprisingly, found that I was able to finish much faster! As a result, the many ideas and plans that have been in my mind from a variety of interviews and conversations recently (approximately the beginning of March) is finally able to be seen by Hakka friends throughout the world and those who are interested in Hakka culture! At the same time, I want to thank many Hakka friends for their encouragement and help.

The main goal of constructing this website is to put the entire world’s Hakka people, issues and culture inside this website so that it can become the Hakka world’s biggest window. Using the connections of the Internet, we want to bring the Hakka people of the world all together .

For this ideal the “Taiwan Hakka Culture Incorporated Company” will use information and new electronic technology to take Hakka people, issues, products, culture, etc…and create Hakka World Website, allowing Hakka culture to be internationalized and to enter the e generation.


Hakka World website content

1. Concerning the Hakka World site: introduction to the site’ s construction and spirit, and explanation of how to get in contact with Hakka World.

2. World contact: providing Taiwan and every part of the rest of the world information concerning Hakka websites and Hakka societies.

3. Life information site: providing information related to daily life: trains, weather, metro transportation, etc…

4. Publish special topic: providing the plateform for scholar, expertise to publish the special topic.

5. Discussion groups: general and youth discussion groups. First a topic will be introduced, then there will be discussion in response.

6. Education: Educational resources for Hakka language, Hakka children’s education, and traditional folk songs.

7. Hakka history and culture: publications and websites related to Hakka culture.

8. Hakka cultural relics: Introductions to Hakka folk customs, food, restaurants, cultural relics and related websites.

9. Hakka literature: publications related to Hakka literature and connections to related websites.

10. Hakka personages: publications related to Hakka personages and connections to related websites.

11. Government offices: Connections to websites of government offices that regulate Hakka issues.

12. Public organizations and clubs: Connections to websites of public organizations and clubs.

13. Mass media: Information on and connections to websites of Hakka language radio stations, television stations with Hakka programming, Hakka magazines, Hakka publishing houses, entertainment programs.

14. Hakka World site members: Explanations of how to become a site member and member benefits.

15. Activities page: providing information and connections to websites about the newest, most recent activities.

16. Business page: Introductions to businesses and celebrities, biographies, and information about how to advertise on this website.




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